All commodities down (except DBA)
Treasury Bonds up huge
And now the market is up!
That is contra almost every position I have except the few commodity puts I own.
7 hours ago
There is so much nonsense spouted by investment pundits everyday that is so poor it makes me ill. Not only is most of the advice poor, but the majority of the time these people take no firm positions, know nothing about how to make money trading, lie, take credit for the one "guess" they got right, etc. On this blog what you will get is honest thoughts and a straightforward account of how I am trading (emotions included). Sometimes this blog may be a little bit raw, but it will always be honest.
Too funny, I feel the same way. But what I've found is this is where the 'gods' want you to be. It cannot be sustained. The green shoots just spent their last reserve in a push up to find the sun, but it is not there. Means they'll just die faster.