Wednesday, December 23, 2009

A gapping we will go

up again - almost seems too easy for this market to go up... but, hey, I guess everything is fine again and we are in a new multi-year bull market. get long so they say on CNBC...

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Bailout BS

unreal, but the truth - i do think the big banks actually run the world

Monday, December 21, 2009

Higher we go...

feels like the bulls are about rip us higher. I actually think they can. Not much else to do except buy dips and not get short I guess.

Friday, December 18, 2009

More of the same BS

market seems off hard yesterday on big volume. Next day - bulls rip us right back up.

Can't fight this market. It is a long only, buy every f-ing dip blindly type market. yesterday, banks look ready to tank - today someone had to own these banks and they rallied. same pattern again and again - just when it looks like any sector / index will break - someone saves the day...

As I have said it will end badly but right now all systems go as the beat goes on and longs can't lose and have no reason to be nervous...

Monday, December 14, 2009

All the big banks getting rid of TARP before year end - WHY?

ummm... think about it. TARP has bonus restrictions mandated... with TARP paid back the banks can pay huge bonuses with all the free money they got! notice most of these big banks have huge capital markets/trading operations versus just retail banking...

nice trade big banks!

We have a long-only market

I know I have not posted much lately but not a lot to say into year end. We have a market where you can only be long because the momentum / action all favors buying dips at all times. In fact, for the most part stock picking hasn't even mattered as long as you were LONG you made money. The CNBC spinners are working full time to support the bullish mindset and bad news is shrugged off or somehow looked at as catalysts...

This market defies my underlying fundamental thesis so I have abstained from being long and have gotten chewed up a couple times shorting, but I stand where I am - looking to short but unable to pull the trigger because new 2009 highs seem to be destined to occur and this week would likely be a week (with the fed meeting, options expiration) that the big money will rip us higher.

Congrats to those longs who stuck it out through this whole rally. I certainly missed most of the move as I had no idea the power of a government and federal reserve that has no end to supplying money and any other stimulus the wall street moguls wanted and were surely positioned for.

It's about rally time for the markets again as the last hour or so thru the last 6-8 months have been full of day end rips where "someone" comes in and drills the buy button... only a few institutions with enough powder to cause these movements...

Can you say new highs this week? I would bet on it - even though I don't have my money behind that bet.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I am back again

after google took the blog off for a few days for some reason?

None of my content is a recommendation to buy or sell any securities.

Please do your own research or consult an advisor before making any investments.